
Perfect Strangers by Tasmina Perry

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Perfect Strangers by Tasmina Perry is a really good book.  Not what you expect from the cover.  I guess that has a lot to do with the phrase ‘Don’t Judge a Book by it’s Cover’.  Which is also something else that I think seems to run through the book.  I’ll say no more on that otherwise I might spoil it.

I picked this book up from my local library when I was feeling a little worse for wear after a night out with work.  It called at me and from that hour of me sitting in the library I was hooked on the story.  I took the bus into town and read it on the bus there and part of the way back.  I find that’s a sign of a good book.  It’s a mystery with a love story entangled into it.  There were twists and turns that shocked me and made me question everything I thought about some of the characters.  The suspense at times was also very good.

Recommended this book.

**** 4 out of 5 stars *****

Book Review – Shadowplay by Laura Lam

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Shadowplay (Pantomime, #2)

There may be some spoilers from the first book, but I’ll try my hardest not to :).

Shadowplay is the second book in the Pantomime series by Laura Lam.  I loved Pantomime and am now in love with Shadowplay.  

The circus lies behind Micah Grey in dust and ashes.

He and the white clown, Drystan, take refuge with the once-great magician, Jasper Maske. When Maske agrees to teach them his trade, his embittered rival challenges them to a duel which could decide all of their fates.

People also hunt both Micah and the person he was before the circus–the runaway daughter of a noble family. And Micah discovers there is magic and power in the world, far beyond the card tricks and illusions he’s perfecting…

A tale of phantom wings, a clockwork hand, and the delicate unfurling of new love, Shadowplay continues Micah Grey’s extraordinary journey.

Laura is an amazing writer.  Everything she wrights leaps out of the page at me.  I have fallen in love with all the characters, especially Drystan (I have a little crush on him).  I’ve learned a lot more about the world that the series is set in, in this book than the first and am excited to read and find out more in the next book.

The book left me on the edge of my seat with a lot more questions that I hope get answered in the next and, I think, final book in the series.  I am both excited and saddened by the prospect of this series finishing.  I just don’t want it to end.

I highly recommend this book to anyone.